Snap Thoughts: On Masks

Catharine Romero-Perla
4 min readNov 10, 2020


This isn’t even en vogue…is there gonna be a peaceful transfer of power? idk, but please wear a mask!

Currently, thoughts are swimming, floating, and zipping around in my mind. They seem to want to become longer, more nuanced works, but there are so many of them and they’re probably more suited for people more knowledgeable and more connected or affected by the subject of these thoughts. Maybe I’ll find the time to expand on these thoughts, but for now, it’s a snap thought.

Squidward Tentacles staring disapprovingly while standing at his boat cash register with a photoshopped blue mask on.
I —


Opposition [People]

The majority of the opposition to mask-wearing seems to be coming from MAGA hat-wearing heteronormative white folk. Their adverse and at times visceral reaction stems from being policed. These folks are not used to their behaviors, their lives, or their actions being policed. Whereas marginalized folk, to be accepted in American society, have been policed, since the first colonizer colonized. This policing of black and brown bodies began and continues to be a tool of oppression.

Now that the health, safety, and survival of peoples depends on everyone wearing a mask, white folks claim their freedoms are being infringed upon. White folk can’t fathom anyone, especially their local state government, advising them to do something [they believe] is going to “negatively” disrupt their everyday life. White folks are so untouched by systems of actual oppression that a thing [wearing a mask] that applies to EVERYONE, not just marginalized folk, is suddenly government overreach.

The problem is white folk are being asked to comply, but that question and that choice is an illusion. See, white supremacy as a system of oppression hinges on choice, because if white folk have the illusion of choice they also have the illusion of freedom. And if white folk are in control of the choices being made they control who gets to be free. So, when everyday white folks are expected to comply with mask-wearing, then get denied access because they choose not to and make a fool of themselves it’s because they feel like power and control is with someone else and is being leveraged against them. When in reality they’re not being denied access because of their skin color, immigration status, sexuality, or gender. No, they’re being denied access over something they can take off at the end of the day.

This choice, illusion or not, is still violent. They can choose whether or not they want to adopt mask-wearing into their everyday lives. For black, immigrant, Native, and at-risk folk, people who are disproportionately being affected by COVID, they don’t have a choice. But, even in these unprecedented times, heteronormative white folk get to choose whether they live or die. They get to choose whether or not people in their community live or die.

Opposition [State]

State opposition is again a question of policing. Local and state politicians are wondering how enforceable they can make mask-wearing and still have the support of their constituents. Most red states are against mandates and lean more towards “strongly suggested”. The powerful white elite can’t afford to lose the base keeping them in their position of power. So, they’re willing to risk the health and well-being of everyone [in their voting district] to maintain the power structure that grants them the power to dictate and shape the lives of everyone [in their voting district]. In making masks a choice to their constituents the consequences/blame falls on the individual who chooses to not wear a mask. Thus, alleviating these leaders of any backlash, and preserving their job of doing nothing for no one if it doesn’t benefit them.

Another thing to consider is under this social climate where folks are demanding the defunding and abolishment of police is: how willing are these leaders to have the police enforce these mandates in communities where people aren’t used to being policed by the police? What would happen if white folks were given fines they couldn’t afford to pay and being thrown in jail as a result. What would change politically? What would change socially? How would white people react to being policed, fined, and penalized for failing to follow laws they feel infringe on their rights as ~American~?

9 million people have tested positive in the United States, so far. How many of these cases, how many deaths, hospitalizations, loss of work, could have been avoided if local, state, and federal leaders considered the health and well-being of their communities over the preservation of their position of power?

I know I’ve racialized this topic and to some of y’all, this may even read as unfair or an attack. I recognize and acknowledge there are white folks who are doing their part to protect themselves and their communities by wearing masks. There are people of color who even refuse to wear them; however, the argument for and against masks began with Former President 45, someone who boldly upholds the system of white supremacy…and knowing his base…knowing what he stands for…racializing doesn’t seem unfair…it’s on the nose.

Wear a mask. ❤

